ORDER NO. 3, 1999
16th October, 1999.
In pursuance of the Proclamation of Fourteenth day of October, 1999, and the
Provisional Constitution Order No. 1 of 1999, and in exercise of all other
powers enabling him in that behalf, the Chief Executive of the Islamic
Republic of Pakistan is pleased to make and promulgate of the following
- (1)
- The service of Mr. Ashtar Ausaf Ali as advocate General for province of
Punjab are terminated with immediate effect.
- (2)
- The service of Mr. Iqbal Raad as Advocate General for Province of Sindh
are terminated with immediate effect.
- (3)
- The service of Mr. M. Sardar Khan as Advocate General for Province of
N.W.F.P. are terminated with immediate effect.
- (4)
- The service of Mr. Malik Sikandar as Advocate General for Province of
Balochistan are terminated with immediate effect.
Thanks to Mr Abdul Hameed Cheema <ahchima@brain.net.pk> for text.